So this morning started out SUPER rough...I had lots to do today, I was still in my PJ's and I was loading some stuff into the car before heading up to take a shower so I could get some errands done, I closed the door behind me so Andrew wouldn't fall down the stairs and Kennedie decided to LOCK the door...AHHHH.... So NO KEYS with me, NO PHONE with me and standing in the FREEZING cold weather we had today trying to talk my almost 3 year old into unlocking the door............Needless to say all of us were standing on opposites sides of the door crying and trying to help Kennedie realize she needed to twist the button in order for Mom to come back inside the house. After some PANIC and then PRAYING and standing outside for almost 30 minutes she did it! My Saving grace!!! Wow did I learn a lesson and I hope she did too! So now I know to always take my keys with me when heading out the door, especially when I have little ones around!