Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Infamous Elmo Sweatshirt!

The Infamous Elmo sweatshirt that Tonia's kids LOVED couldn't be given away to Good Will it had to be given to Kennedie! and I am sure Andrew will wear it someday too!


Tonia Marie said...

you are soooo cute! It is really fun to see a cutiepatootie wearing that sweatshirt again.
Love, Aunt Tonia

Cam and Chelle said...


The Boring Family said...

Don't ever let Morgan see that! It's bad enough that he's on her diapers and she knows that he can be on TV and the computer! Enjoy it on your kids!!

MiStY said...

I cant believe how grown up she is, good look'n girl you got there.
slow down on the grow'n will ya! and your little bro. too!
